Pediatric Eating Disorders: What You Need To Know

Health & Medical Blog

The world in which your child is growing up is far different than the world you knew as a child. Media has never been more present in the lives of youth than it is today. The effects of this media barrage are widespread and far-reaching, and among them is the tendency of children at a younger and younger age to develop eating disorders. While you may think that your child is too young to suffer from an eating disorder such as bulimia or anorexia, the truth of the matter is that children of virtually any age can develop such issues. What you need to do is learn the early signs of eating disorder development so you can help your child overcome their disorder before doing serious damage to their body. 

Suddenly Becoming A Picky Eater

Many children could be described as picky eaters. Who hasn't met a small child who refuses their vegetables but asks constantly for candy and ice cream? However, there is a difference between your child's normal pickiness and a sudden, clear change in eating habits and tendencies.

If your child suddenly decides, for example, that they can only eat salads for dinner and nothing else, or refuses sweets rather than begs for them as they once did, this could be cause for concern. Placing extreme dietary restrictions on oneself is a telltale sign of a developing eating disorder. 

This strict diet is used as a means to control calorie intake and to produce rapid weight loss results. For a child who is growing and developing, this can have innumerable negative health effects, including stunted growth, reproductive issues, and organ damage. 

Food Hoarding And/Or Secretive Eating

Another common sign of disordered eating is a tendency to hoard and hide food, or to only eat in secret. If you normally have family dinners at the kitchen table, but your child suddenly wants to only eat in their bedroom, this is indicative of a problem.

Additionally, many children with eating disorders will hide and hoard food in their rooms. This hidden food may or may not be meant for consumption, but it is a method of controlling food and intake in a way that makes your child with an eating disorder feel like they have the power in their relationship with food. 

Obsessive Record-Keeping Of Food and Exercise

When children suffer from eating disorders, they may begin to keep obsessive track of their food intake and their exercise habits. This is most often in the form of a journal or diary that chronicles their eating habits and time exercising for the day. 

If you find such record-keeping among your child's possessions, it is probably time to take them to the doctor and possible to a therapist for eating disorder treatment. This is particularly true if the record-keeping is paired with other common symptoms. 

If you know what to look out for, you will be able to detect a developing eating disorder in your child sooner rather than later. This early detection can protect your child's health and development, allowing them to receive the treatment they need at the earliest possible moment. 

For more information, contact a company like Pediatric And Young Adult Medicine with any questions you have.


9 January 2015

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

Over a year ago, I was formerly diagnosed with high blood pressure. However, due to frequent headaches and dizziness, I had already suspected that I suffered from this serious medical problem. Immediately, I was placed on medication. I also began to research natural ways that I can lower my blood pressure. I now carefully scan food labels for sodium content. I also try not to add extra salt to my recipes when I’m cooking at home. In addition, I strive to consume foods daily that are believed to have a positive effect on blood pressure numbers. On this blog, you will learn about various natural ways to lower your blood pressure.