3 Myths Regarding Strokes That Must Be Debunked

Health & Medical Blog

Visiting your doctor for annual exams, eating well, and exercising are important steps to living a healthy lifestyle. However, certain illnesses, diseases, and disorders may still affect you, even when you're following your doctor's recommendations. While common, strokes are one of the most misunderstood issues that can affect you, your physical and emotional health, and your emotional well-being. By debunking these common myths, you will have a better understanding of the causes and signs of a stroke.

Strokes Affect the Elderly Only

One of the most popular misconceptions surrounding a stroke is that this condition only affects elderly individuals. It is true that the risk of stroke increases with age, but it does not affect the elderly population only.

As a matter of fact, a stroke can occur in people of all age groups, especially if they are considered high risk due to different medical conditions.

Prevention Is Not Possible

You cannot completely control your physical health, but you can reduce your risk of having a stroke. As stated above, controlling other medical conditions can help you prevent a stroke.

To get started, check your blood pressure. High blood pressure nearly doubles your risk of stroke. The higher your blood pressure, the more risk there is of having a stroke. If your blood pressure levels are continuously high, talk to your doctor about changing your diet or taking medications.

Living with high cholesterol also increases your risk of a stroke. If you have high cholesterol, plaque will be present in your arteries. This plaque narrows your arteries, reducing blood's ability to flow through your body properly. If blood clots form and break loose, they can travel up to the brain, resulting in a stroke. Lower your cholesterol levels with medication or by eliminating fatty foods from your diet.

Obesity also increases your risk of having a stroke, since carrying around excessive weight usually leads to high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, and diabetes. Incorporate more exercise into your daily regimen and reduce your consumption of fatty and starchy foods to lose weight and prevent a stroke.

Drooping Face Only Sign of a Stroke

Another common myth regarding strokes is that all patients will experience drooping of the facial muscles. This is one of the first and most noticeable signs that you are having a stroke, but it is not the only sign you look for.

Using the following F.A.S.T motto, you will understand the signs and what to do if you or a family member are suffering from a stroke:

  1. F-acial Drooping – One side of the face will droop or feel numb. Try to smile. If the smile is uneven or lopsided, you may be having a stroke.
  2. A-rm Weakness – Another sign of a stroke is a weakening or numbness in the arms. Try to hold your arms up high in the air. If you are having a stroke, one of the arms may begin to drop down.
  3. S-peech Issues – Patients having a stroke will have a difficult time speaking. Speech may be slurred or you may be unable to form simple words.
  4. T-ime for Help – If you are a family member are experiencing one or more of the above signs, it is time to call 911. Notify emergency personnel that you believe you or the patient is having a stroke so paramedics can be sent to your destination right away.

A stroke may be one of the most common neurological conditions, but the majority of people do not fully realize the severity of this issue. With this guide and a doctor's help, you will learn the truth behind a few common stroke myths. Contact a doctor like Mohsen M. Hamza, M.D. for additional information.


14 September 2017

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

Over a year ago, I was formerly diagnosed with high blood pressure. However, due to frequent headaches and dizziness, I had already suspected that I suffered from this serious medical problem. Immediately, I was placed on medication. I also began to research natural ways that I can lower my blood pressure. I now carefully scan food labels for sodium content. I also try not to add extra salt to my recipes when I’m cooking at home. In addition, I strive to consume foods daily that are believed to have a positive effect on blood pressure numbers. On this blog, you will learn about various natural ways to lower your blood pressure.