When Should You See A Neurology Specialist For Your Diabetic Neuropathy?

Health & Medical Blog

Diabetic neuropathy is fairly common in people who have diabetes, and it shouldn't be ignored. It's thought to be caused by poor circulation, which causes your nerves to be deprived of the oxygen that they need to survive. Sensory nerves are most commonly affected, and damage to the sensory nerves will cause you to have difficulty feeling touch or temperature. Diabetic neuropathy can also cause chronic pain, which usually feels like a burning or stinging sensation.

3 December 2020

5 Benefits Of Group Exercise Classes

Health & Medical Blog

Exercising regularly can help you maintain your ideal weight, boost your immune system, and improve your mood. However, running on a treadmill or elliptical might not appeal to some people. If you are looking for a new way to get fitness in your routine, consider group exercise classes. Here are some of the benefits of group exercise classes. They Can Motivate You One of the most difficult parts about exercising is actually getting motivated to start your routine.

3 December 2020

Why Vaping Is An Often-Preferred Way To Use Medical Marijuana

Health & Medical Blog

There's one thing you really can't deny about medical marijuana: it's versatile. It can be used to ease a whole range of different maladies, from headaches to nausea. It can also be used in a lot of ways; you can smoke it, eat it, rub it on your skin, or even vape it. Each of these methods has its advantages and its fans, but vaping stands out from the crowd and is often preferred.

3 November 2020

Holistic Dermatology: Is It Right For You?

Health & Medical Blog

Holistic care is used to support all aspects of health including mind, body, and spirit. Holistic medications are also made from the purest ingredients possible. This brand of medicine can treat all sorts of ailments, including skin conditions. If you're interested in a more natural approach to treating skin conditions, holistic dermatology may be right for you. How Does The Holistic Approach Differ? Holistic healing is based on treating the body as a whole and not just focusing on parts.

1 October 2020

Top Reasons To Work With An Audiologist When Getting Hearing Aids

Health & Medical Blog

If you have needed hearing aids in the past, or if you have decided that it might be time to invest in hearing aids because you aren't able to hear as well as you once did, then you might be looking into your options for purchasing them. There are some hearing aid options available that you can purchase without ever seeing an audiologist. However, you will probably want to work with an audiologist when getting hearing aids for these reasons and more.

26 August 2020

Will Testosterone Therapy Help With Your ED?

Health & Medical Blog

Erectile dysfunction can be incredibly frustrating, and it can have devastating effects on your sex life and confidence. If you've been dealing with ED for a while, you're probably looking into ways to treat and manage it, and one option you may have come across is testosterone therapy. But is testosterone therapy really effective for men with ED? Well, it depends — there's a lot to the story. Take a look.

30 April 2020